The original concept of a hack day was popularized by Yahoo!
The concept was popularized by a Dilbert comic strip in 1994, in which the characters play during an office meeting.
The concept was popularized by Dean Leffingwell, who has authored two books on the subject.
The concept of successful aging can be traced back to the 1950s, and was popularized in the 1980s.
The concept of secret weapons was widely popularized by the James Bond novels and movies.
The concept of economic interdependence was popularized through the work of Richard N. Cooper.
The concept of cultural pluralism was popularized in the 1940s by John Dewey.
The concept of street-level bureaucracy was popularized by Michael Lipsky in 1980.
The concept of gourmet was popularized even though a lot of it was bogus.
The concept was popularized by avant-garde architectural groups such as Archigram.