In 1970, even those who did not go for it pronounced "Company" an innovative concept musical.
Mr. Prince has said that "visual concepts are probably the largest part of the concept musical."
It was like a concept musical with a flaccid concept, badly in need of a Parisian riot or an exploding chandelier.
A concept musical of power and influence (imagine "Grand Hotel" without "Evita" as precursor), the show in Bridgeport goes for the kill.
It is not a concept musical.
Their third, "Allegro," invented the concept musical.
It is the musical's concept - and this musical predates the advent of concept musicals by some 20 years - that remains engaging and enduring.
Because it was a concept musical, correctly, the director got most of the praise for the concept.
A concept musical that is all concept and no content is as empty as a frame without a picture.
In fact, he credits what he learned from Mr. Robbins as instrumental in the creation of the "concept" musical.