In Biology prions are linked conceptually to Ice-nine (which is often used as a fictional example of prions in the classroom).
But I do not agree that the three are linked causally or conceptually.
It is conceptually linked to its predecessor Moon and comes with booklets for both records (Moon did not originally contain one).
The 80 paintings were all linked conceptually, and formed the first "chapter": "The Sun, Chapter 1".
Both albums are conceptually linked, as well as his more recent album Diabolos from the "Moon Saga".
Today, piece work and sweatshops remain closely linked conceptually, even though each has continued to develop separately.
Proponents of estimation believe precision planning should replace power since statistical power itself is conceptually linked to significance testing.
Here, social relationship influences how participants reason about physical distance, and supports the notion that social distance, defined here as friendship, and physical distance are, again, conceptually linked.
This work was conceptually linked both to the landscape and also to personal meaning for Shahrokh in context to her religious belief system.
In the early 1960's Mr. Nelson envisioned hypertext, an electronic data storage system in which vast amounts of text could be linked conceptually, rather than in the conventional linear manner.