His concern mirrored our own: civil rights, equal opportunity, international human rights standards and monitoring, Soviet Jewry, and support for Israel and for Jews the world over.
Those concerns mirrored objections raised earlier this month by the State Department and three other Cabinet-level agencies.
He thought about what Nadhari could be going through, and the concern in his eyes mirrored what Acorna was feeling.
These concerns, of course, mirror the issues raised by "market timing" hedge funds today.
The Mets' concerns about Karsay mirror some of those they have about Strickland, but the risk is low.
Mr. Fraser's concerns mirror a sharp decline in the sales of new taxis.
These concerns mirrored the cries for movement toward edgier Christian music that were discussed more than a decade earlier, and were a running theme throughout the history of the station.
Du Bois's concerns mirror the German concept of the Volk.
Troi asked, and her concern mirrored the alarm Picard suddenly felt.