These stories and novels may not deal heavily with issues concerning race but instead primarily focus on other aspects of life.
"Sometimes when there are issues concerning race, I make my views known," she said, in answer to a reporter's questions.
Another famous instance of controversy over photo manipulation, this time concerning race, arose in the summer of 1994.
The 1960s was an extremely turbulent time period concerning race and relations between differing ethnicities.
The film raises a number of issues concerning race, class, economic division, education, and values in contemporary America.
As a black time traveller, the character of Martha allows Doctor Who to explore historical issues concerning race.
Root is also referenced in dozens of books and scholarly journal articles concerning race and ethnicity.
Virtually all of Gordimer's works deal with themes of love and politics, particularly concerning race in South Africa.
She is also working on two books concerning race and culture in America.
This discriminatory exclusion is because of stereotypes concerning race and single women.