In a similar way, a particular musician, band, or genre of music might attract concert attendees with similar dress, hairstyle, and behavior.
A concert attendee with a cellphone camera soon put the whole event on popular video website YouTube.
Many concert attendees felt that they were not getting their money's worth out of the concert.
These were CDs recorded directly from the soundboard at the live shows and sold to concert attendees who wished to purchase them.
Borland's theatrical rock style was the primary attraction for many concert attendees.
The first 100 concert attendees at each venue on Whiteout's tour in autumn of 1994 received the single for free.
The actual concert attendees were used as extras for the scene.
The band provided and paid for group counseling sessions for concert attendees who witnessed the event.
Thirty nine percent of concert attendees (or 10,254 individuals) were out-of-town visitors.
Pinkpop 2008 turned out to have had the largest audience of concert attendees to date.