Although she wasn't as successful as she had been, James remained a large concert attraction.
Other concert attractions this week take us from the Renaissance to the newest of new music.
The jazz scene is especially healthy today, but it's going to take quite a while before all those young musicians become concert attractions.
Nevertheless, the band became a popular concert attraction once again, touring in support of Done With Mirrors, well into 1986.
The band remained a popular concert attraction and toured in support of Degüello.
The group was founded in 1994 and has since been a very popular concert attraction not only locally, but all throughout Germany.
At the same time, Rodriguez continued to be a popular concert attraction wherever he went.
In 1970, they sold more albums than any other American band and became a major concert attraction.
Still touring despite various health problems, Sinatra remained a top concert attraction on a global scale during the first half of the 1990s.
Despite the disastrous experience with their debut album, Follow for Now remained a powerful concert attraction.