Tour prior to the album's release and quickly became a concert favorite.
The song went on to become a popular concert favorite for DA fans in later years, with audience members doing their best to follow the rules.
The album includes one previously-unreleased song, "Angels of the Heart," as well as other concert favorites.
Even though the song did not chart, it became a concert favorite.
Videos were filmed for both Find the Way and One Day - a second single and a concert favorite.
The song "Festival" became a live concert favorite for the band.
The song remains one of Erasure's signature tunes and is a concert favorite.
"Love at First Sight" instantly became a concert favorite.
"Sister Ray" was a concert favorite of the band, who regularly closed their set with the song.
The album sold very well, due to success of its radio hit "Sorrow", and yielded many concert favorites like "Kyoto Now!"