They transfer in a concerted elementary step.
The posturing must stop, concerted steps taken and some of the money being channelled into development should be redirected into more stringent enforcement of anti-doping measures.
The removal of the proton and the loss of the leaving group occur in a single, concerted step to form a new double bond.
It was as if that single dancer out there on the mesa top moved in concerted steps with many others.
The implication of different reaction is that cyclization needs to occur in a concerted step with enol formation.
Fragmentation then takes place in a concerted step to form the reaction products.
In the absence of enzyme catalysis this mechanism proceeds as a concerted, but asynchronous step and is an exergonic process.
This is a concerted step with the oxygen in the hydroxyl group donating electrons to produce the eventual carbonyl group.
As the oxygen atoms are added in a concerted step the resulting stereochemistry is cis.
Triplet carbenes have to go through an intermediate with two unpaired electrons whereas singlet carbene can react in a single concerted step.