In trying for the first time to establish a concerted strategy for economic revitalization at the state level, the document offered a wide range of suggestions.
"A company of this size and scale," he said, "needs a chief operating officer to put together a concerted, cohesive, long-term strategy."
"The Democrats laid out over a year ago a concerted strategy of character assassination."
A concerted strategy of nation building since Independence created the foundations for sustained growth.
As a result, African governments seldom have a concerted strategy for dealing with donors.
But his public lobbying for the renovation seems part of a concerted strategy to prepare opinion for its announcement.
I now think that we need a far more concentrated and concerted strategy across the whole region.
Europe must take on this responsibility by proposing a concerted strategy in the areas of training and employment.
With one condition, namely that we actually do so, and in order to do so we must have a concerted strategy.
"They really have to put a concerted strategy in place."