Serving and past members of the armed forces can obtain concessionary rates by contacting the museum.
Under house purchase schemes employees can buy property at concessionary rates of interest, often around 5 per cent.
Admission was expected to be about £4.00 full rate, and there would as usual be concessionary rates.
The idea is that anyone bringing a pensioner (or indeed a minor) would be admitted at the concessionary rate.
Membership cost a concessionary rate of £2 per year.
Remember to reduce the seat price if you are applying for seats at a concessionary rate.
Interest would be paid at a concessionary rate of slightly more than 4 percent.
Only children below the age of 12, senior citizens 65 years or older are eligible for the concessionary rate on all lines.
Only children between the ages of 3 and 12, and senior citizens 65 years or over qualify for the concessionary rate.
A concessionary rate of R70 is available for those over 70, and disabled persons or war veterans who are on social welfare.