His remarks were seen as an effort to put additional pressure on Brussels to take a more conciliatory position.
Today, however, Gen. Maxwell Thurman, the current American commander here, took a more conciliatory position.
Negotiations picked up steam after President Bush met with European Community leaders last weekend, the officials said, and both sides have adopted more conciliatory positions.
This was a far more conciliatory position than the 90 percent cut over 10 years that Washington had been calling for.
"We are adopting a very conciliatory and friendly position on this," he said.
Bahá'u'lláh took a more conciliatory position, forbidding the use of holy war to spread his faith.
The Reagan Administration has not pressed the guerrilla leaders to adopt a conciliatory position on this issue.
Hekmatyar, however, refused to approve the plan (although he took a more conciliatory position after failing to win military control in Kabul - see below).
The agents, throughout the process, also worked on union officials in urging more conciliatory positions and in suggesting possible avenues of solution.
In this era of so-called peace, Upshaw's union has adopted a conciliatory position: go along to get along.