Where can I find the clearest, most concise presentation of this analysis?
It has been suggested that most of Nightingale's early reputation was built on her ability to give clear and concise presentations of data.
To do this, you must present your business concept and reasons for a high return in a short, concise (no more than two minute) presentation.
On many topics, the book encompasses a more concise, refined presentation of previous ideas about which Sagan had written.
This is a depressing but nonetheless impressive concise presentation of all the depressing economic news around the world.
This is a handy little volume with a concise presentation of the choices and uses of species for living walls.
Finally when both meet their villain they have a dramatic but concise presentation of their reason and intent for vengeance.
Each chapter is a concise presentation of a particular aspect of his total subject.
The trick will be transferring that concise, powerful presentation from two collections a year to six.
Includes a concise presentation of the 34 chapter-headings of his book.