Before composing himself for sleep he put into concise terms the lessons of the evening.
"For the first time in concise terms he laid out a clear alternative path," Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, said.
This concise term has other shortcomings besides the theological objection.
Callan explained in clear, concise terms the "frenzy" he was talking about as Dash sat and watched him in shock.
He was at present discussing social problems in concise, well-chosen terms, that brought nods of approval from many of his listeners.
(d) His power to conceive and express in concise terms true solutions of the main problems of the Universe.
He waded through the details in concise terms, explaining how the nuclear explosive was smuggled into the harbor and the projected time of its detonation.
Strich first proposed the idea in 1956, calling it diffuse degeneration of white matter, however the more concise term "Diffuse Axonal Injury" was eventually preferred.
Business will have to deal with the requests for information on this great monetary innovation in brief, clear, concise terms.
Joshua Teel had told the story, and he had told it in concise and often profane terms.