He condensed the reports of his three predecessors to have a more concise version for legal reviews.
Kamala Subramanian has written a concise version of this book in English.
In many ways, Alfa's history over the last 20 years is a concise version of the broader Mexican story.
I will, of course, forward you my complete analysis for your review, but the concise version is this.
Tuesday's set concentrated on concise, theme-solos-theme versions of music from the new Coleman album.
A concise version is also available.
The site contains a concise version of the famous encyclopedia, Bharatkosh.
Different, more concise versions of the creed have developed since its early days, but those closest to the original version remain the most widely accepted.
Is there going to be some kind of concise version coming soon?
I gave Lauren a concise version of what was going on in Boulder and assured her I'd be fine.