The first paragraph of the article concisely described his position:
Prepare for your interview by being able to clearly and concisely describe your intentions.
One reviewer concisely described its diversity as "a hodgepoge of music and meanings".
Halema'uma'u Overlook vent: has been difficult to describe concisely.
The first paragraph of the article concisely described Watson's behaviorist position:
Medicine murder is difficult to describe concisely, as it has changed over time, involving an ever-greater variety of perpetrator, victim, method and motive.
He had the positronics work out a coded report which clearly and concisely described both observations.
Developer John Palmieri concisely described the plan for the transition in a blog entry that he wrote about the first day of the event.
These hierarchical categories should concisely describe the levels of quality (ranging from bad to good) or development (ranging from beginning to mastery).
Using the notation that is sometimes used to concisely describe diagonal matrices, we can write: