Government lawyers concluded over the weekend that the possibility of a further legal challenge made it impossible to proceed with the current offering.
On May 26, 1971, the squadron held its official stand down, concluding over 60,000 combat flight hours.
Or so, at least, any reasonable person might conclude from the consistent message in most guidelines over the last two decades: eat less salt.
Irving concluded a little over three decades in live theater when he left Lincoln Center.
The speaker concluded with a nervous glance over his shoulder.
He became the 14th player in school history to conclude his career with over 100 receptions and 1,000 receiving yards.
The sale concluded with more than $2.37 million in revenue and over 435,000 bundles sold.
The fighting in Barcelona concludes, with more than 500 dead and over 1500 wounded.
The team concluded group play with a lopsided victory over newcomer France.
Michigan concluded its 1913 season with a 14-0 victory over Penn.