But if it's a scathing, conclusive statement about marriage you're after, a number of acerbic Stephen Sondheim songs make their points much quicker.
It is hoped that this extra data will allow a more conclusive statement on the nature of the new particle in December.
And it's true that many readers do find conclusive statements objectionable.
He bases this claim on the "conclusive" statement of two former storm troopers.
The following day, the army chief, General Andre Ndriarijoana, met the rebellious soldiers, however no conclusive statement was made.
Both groups, however, avoided conclusive statements about the extent of possible fraud.
Sayre saw a chance for a conclusive statement.
Clinical practice is invaluable for developing ideas and hypotheses but dangerous when being cited to make conclusive statements without prior testing with general population samples.
But Mondrian's painting is indeed one of his grand conclusive statements.
Some independent researchers questioned whether it was too early to make a conclusive statement about the impact of vouchers.