On Broadway, where most independent producers have long since been driven away by skyrocketing costs, the concomitant decline in production is by now an old story.
But that didn't deter the selling, which was accelerated by a concomitant sharp decline in the financial rand, the special investment currency foreigners must use to buy South African stocks.
According to the police, drug arrests began to drop, prompting officials to declare a concomitant decline in drug dealing.
In the 1920s and 30s the Pond became center for nightlife and Prohibition-breaking, with a concomitant decline in habitat and sanitation.
The period since 1996 has witnessed a large increase in the usage of Microsoft's browsing technologies and a concomitant decline in Navigator's share.
The influence of the dynatoi reached its apogee in the Palaiologan period (1261-1453), and was marked by a concomitant decline in the authority of the central state government.
However there is a concomitant great decline in the presence of native freshwater mussels in the family Unionidae.
Most of the branches have an environment society, which campaigns against the degreening of Lahore, and the concomitant decline in Lahore's air quality.
The results, the researchers report, were the same as in the Quebec study, with a large increase in cancers diagnosed by screening but no concomitant decline in the death rate.
The concomitant decline in the number of traditional native speakers has also been a cause of great concern.