Some hydrogenosomes may have evolved from mitochondria by the concomitant loss of classical mitochondrial features, most notably its genome.
For these young people, the culture of individualism and the concomitant loss of community, has placed them in dire straits.
Besides, this provides the competition of such a conflict without the concomitant loss of life.
In our view, however, this process would rather cause the concomitant loss of group I and group II introns.
Volume contraction is a decrease in body fluid volume, with or without a concomitant loss of osmolytes.
However, there is a concomitant loss of flash range.
Sadly after his death, the program was discontinued with the concomitant loss to the Bench, the Bar, law scholars and students alike.
This has led to a concomitant loss of income for its members, dues paid to the union and contributions to the union's health fund.
Volume contraction is a decrease in body fluid volume, also including any concomitant loss of osmolytes.
Would this mean a concomitant loss of low-rev torque to achieve it, so important to the Griso's character and easy-riding nature?