Whatever their methods, most competitive young dealers have capitalized on new trends in decorating - and a concomitant rise in their specialty's prices.
And there has been a concomitant rise in advertising revenue, which more than doubled from 1987 to 1992.
The expansion of cotton cultivation in the Upcountry led to a great increase in labor demand, with a concomitant rise in the slave trade.
With the concomitant rise in inhibin B, FSH levels then decline in the late follicular phase.
But, inexplicably, there has not been a concomitant rise in deaths from heroin overdoses.
Clearly also the rise of urbanism brought a concomitant rise of crime and prostitution.
The nadir of the decline seems to be occurring at the century's turn, with the concomitant rise of memoir.
Samuelson expressed skepticism about this idea, noting that during the Reagan era there had been enormous budget deficits but no concomitant rise in private saving.
He regretted that he had to mark his departure with a concomitant rise in gas prices.
In an inside piece, the NYT details this development and a concomitant rise in the hope market as well.