The most concrete - and unusual - accomplishment is the hospitals' agreement to share information about infections that they are normally reluctant to discuss with each other.
But there are far more concrete accomplishments.
The early line is that Dole, as majority leader, can point to more concrete accomplishments.
It would also be a concrete accomplishment for a specific environmental movement that has so far been largely theoretical in the United States.
Now, six years later and in the final quarter of the Reagan Administration, there are few concrete accomplishments he can cite.
"The membership was committed to retaining a selection procedure that bases entrance on concrete accomplishments."
About the most concrete accomplishment to come from the conference was a decision to meet again in 10 days.
I at least have concrete accomplishments to my name.
His concrete accomplishments were many.
The donation would be the first concrete accomplishment after months of behind-the-scenes diplomatic contacts between the two wartime enemies.