For over two decades, Ivan had lived in a concrete enclosure without exposure to natural light or other gorillas.
So maybe there is a future for the claustrophobic concrete enclosure out on the windy point at Candlestick.
Included in the concrete enclosure was a time capsule with items including an American flag, proclamations from the city government, and more.
Large tanks or concrete enclosures filled with plastic packing or other media.
Unfortunately, a concrete enclosure has engulfed the rather pristine place.
The garage had been virtually empty for more than an hour, but the drab concrete enclosure smelled of exhaust fumes and burning brakes.
In line with the Cold War realities of late 1950s America, the concrete enclosure was advertised as having been built to withstand a nuclear attack.
The concrete enclosure, however, was not airtight and allowed water to leak in, which caused significant damage to the vehicle.
Irwin ordered a 14'x14' concrete enclosure to be built for Ivan inside of the B&I with public viewing windows.
"The only safe way is to seal it in something like a concrete enclosure," Mr. Commoner said.