Today, all that exists to show what occurred at Gnome is a small concrete monument with two weathered and slightly vandalized plaques.
Noisily, team and fans showed why this 70-year-old concrete monument is known as Death Valley.
There is a concrete monument there commemorating the completion of the road.
His most enduring and concrete monument may be the impressive palace (kaiserpfalz) at Goslar.
It is located in a public roadside park, with two concrete monuments to commemorate its moves and the organizations that arranged for them.
By 1860 this unusual concrete monument was in danger of collapse, but was repaired in 1869 after local newspaper reports about its condition.
Unlike a concrete monument, this is a process that "can guarantee the life of memory."
The concrete monuments along the shoreline are the remnants of this early water delivery system.
A concrete monument was erected outside The Surf, and the ballroom is adorned with large pictures of the three musicians.
It was replaced with a concrete monument decorated d with a small bronze bust of Marianne.