Those with young children, like Mrs. Shakarchy, will persist because they want them to have something other than concrete playgrounds.
We end up at a little concrete playground with swings and slides, and Dakota and Sean are grimy dirty-which I love, and they love too.
Each of these schools has some type of greenspace as well as a concrete playground.
He recognized the church of St Andrew with its high spire and the nearby school with its iron railings and tiny concrete playgrounds.
He played tag until late afternoon with other boys and girls in the concrete playground outside, romping around in black shorts, a red-and-white shirt and sneakers.
It is not an easy task to face Connors here, in his favorite concrete playground.
This is a concrete playground in an undesirable place.
Košarkaški klub Puntamika founded in 1974, and the first match was played on the concrete playground at School of Economics.
There is nowhere around School Street for kids to run around, Beverly says, except a concrete playground with a set of monkey bars.
Houses were to be pulled down, wastelands to either be utilised for building or flattened into concrete playgrounds or car-parks.