If "C" and "C" have such concrete realizations then every member of the above pencil will as well.
Students understand that definitions are arbitrary and need not actually refer to any concrete realization.
The 'industrial railroad track' is altered and the 'new direction'attained by the concrete realization of 'workers of the world unite'.
Now we fully understand what carrying out an idea right up to its concrete realization means, and today we teach how to do this.
Then the Fierz identity is the concrete realization of the relation to the exterior algebra.
We give a concrete realization of this direct sum, denoted by , as follows:
We the living are brought to a concrete realization of these deaths.
Hitler had talked about architecture as 'the word made stone', the concrete realization of ideology in its most imposing form.
But the New Museum's design is intended as more than a metaphor; it is also to be a concrete realization of the museum's values.
Thus the checkerboard tables of stacks of coins are a concrete realization of this information.