The observation deck was a concrete terrace that split off from the dining area.
He cast a disparaging eye on a collection of wooden huts and some concrete terraces.
Neglect reached its nadir when the main concrete terraces slipped away during the 1960s, almost taking the cycling track with it.
On the concrete terraces above the main church plaza a man sits trimming bunched onions.
In 1935 the timber fence was replaced by a high brick wall and concrete terrace seating 1,200 people was built.
Light spilled from the drawing room across the rough-surfaced concrete terrace, highlighting groups of people here and there.
This allowed fans to have a significantly better view than the old open concrete terrace and hill.
A stone and concrete terrace surrounds the building.
Offices are organized as a series of concrete terraces that seem to cascade from one end.
Thousands of people milled about the tightly packed concrete terraces.