Trout saw that the lights were coming from a concrete-block building.
As soon as he entered the unprepossessing concrete-block building, he could feel the data rush.
Two men in cowboy hats came out of one of the concrete-block buildings.
The clinic was a concrete-block building staffed by a handful of doctors and technicians who were responsible for an area with a population of 150,000 people.
As the sun rose over a hazy Bronx skyline, the men took their positions in front of the concrete-block building.
They also spotted a fuel dump of 55-gallon barrels, and a concrete-block building that could hold ammunition and weapons.
They moved on another block; then they could see a two-story concrete-block building to the left.
The shot sounded like a cannon inside the concrete-block building.
I stared up at the four-story concrete-block building, identical to another beside it.
It was parked near the concrete-block building that housed the comfort stations.