Justice Clarence Thomas concurred separately, suggesting that the court not foreclose the prospect of upholding a more narrowly drawn law.
Justice Byron R. White did not sign the Chief Justice's opinion but concurred separately.
Justice Harry A. Blackmun concurred separately without joining the majority opinion.
With Blackmun and John Paul Stevens concurring separately, that meant five votes for the right to abortion.
Justices Stevens and Breyer separately concurred with the Court majority opinion.
Justice Stevens concurred separately, on similar grounds as Justice Brennan did.
Justice O'Connor concurred separately in an opinion based on the guarantee of equal protection.
Justice Breyer, concurring separately, did not sign the Rehnquist opinion.
In a unanimous ruling (although Justice Harlan separately concurred), the Court reversed.
These are the Justices who write dissenting opinions or who concur separately, agreeing with the outcome of a case but rejecting the majority's reasoning.