Arbiters are used in asynchronous circuits to order computational activities for shared resources to prevent concurrent incorrect operations.
Concurrency control - ensures that correct results for concurrent operations are generated, while getting those results as quickly as possible.
Landing strips were constructed in 1943, thereby allowing for concurrent operation of shore based aircraft.
Two concurrent operations can be executed in different order on two different document copies.
IP3: Given two concurrent operations and defined on the same document state (or context), if and .
And picking up a half-dozen American dependents, either on the way in, your way out, or as a separate, concurrent operation.
In database systems, isolation is a property that defines how/when the changes made by one operation become visible to other concurrent operations.
The accelerated landings of de Lattre's French forces, however, and the general situation allowed concurrent operations against both.
The ability, at longer notice, to deploy forces in a large-scale operation while running a concurrent small-scale operation.
'There must be concurrent operations running if this thing's as big as you say.'