"Those with concussion injuries mostly died, but I think a lot of the young men who were killed died instantly," he said.
Leopold, who had a history of concussion injuries, remained unconscious on the ice for several minutes.
He has now retired from the professional game after a concussion injury in 2010.
John Fogarty another Leinster Hooker had to retire with a similar concussion injury soon after.
He won his second National Newspaper Award the following year for his series on concussion injuries in hockey.
He was afraid it might vibrate hard enough when the sneetch struck to give them concussion injuries, or turn their soft insides to jelly.
Police evi-dence was given first, then the medical evidence with technical details of the concussion injuries which had caused death.
In round 3 of the 2011 season Stevens suffered a concussion injury.
Arizona Wildcats linebacker Rob Hankins retired due to a concussion injury.
Her last game, SuperBetter, was created to help her overcome debilitating after-effects from a concussion injury.