Nanite screens were still at the point where they weren't practical for anything smaller than armored military vehicles because the screens by themselves generated too much heat and didn't do anything for concussive effects.
CMT designed a system for reducing the concussive effects of head impacts, such as football.
It would also minimize the concussive effects that repeated blows to the skull can have and the consequent pugilistic dementia that boxing contestants too frequently endure.
Perhaps a combination of concussive effect and propelled missiles.
The only eyeballs he uses are ones that emit sonic waves that can have concussive effects.
The bomb exploded right overhead, and the concussive effect of the explosion knocked the wind out of us.
Projects "black bile" as a concussive effect from his eyes.
The concussive effects of the explosion could damage a submarine from a distance, though a depth charge explosion had to be very close to break the submarine's hull.
It was loud and mocking and had a concussive effect.
The new BP-460A HEAT projectile was introduced in May 1943; however its primitive warhead design was only minimally more effective than brute concussive effects of the old HE shell at close range.