Despite past accounts, the energy that Havok releases is not truly a concussive force.
Weapons may cause the target ship to be displaced, or to spin through concussive force.
The concussive force of the two slammed into each other and recoiled in opposite directions.
Garokk has the ability to project tremendous amounts of heat, light, and concussive force from his eyes.
He can project blasts of highly concussive kinetic force from his hands.
The heat of the blast rolled over them as the concussive force knocked them to the ground.
He can withstand high amounts of concussive force, and is virtually bulletproof.
The Grads fell with monstrous concussive force throughout the day.
In some versions, these beams can also be used to produce great concussive force rather than heat.
He is able to project energy as intense heat, a concussive force, or sonic vibrations.