"It will condemn children in this district to massive overcrowding for five years."
However, the Orthodox Church does not condemn children of uncanonical marriages nor their rights to inheritance, so this objection is weak .
This type of fantasy condemns children to educational disaster.
Condemning children and young people in the country just because some of them have gone off the rails.
"Do you make a habit of condemning children for their parents' mistakes?"
He has the power, for instance, to condemn children to death merely for stealing a piece of candy from a store.
We could not condemn innocent children to such a life, to such constricted and hazardous circumstances.
Quanah later said he was ready to die, but was loath to condemn the women and children to death.
Is Starfleet in the habit of condemning children to death, Admiral?
Primary schools which fail to teach times tables by heart are condemning children to a lifetime struggling with numbers, inspectors have warned.