Smagorinsky, J., 1960: A primitive equation model including condensation processes.
Zeotropic mixtures have the disadvantage that their composition changes during the repeated evaporation and condensation processes.
The actual energy gain will be from the effort needed and electricity used to keep the condensation process going on.
But what impressed me, as a book lover, was the care that went into the condensation process.
This reduces the boiling point of the liquid to be evaporated, thereby reducing the heat necessary/eliminated in both the boiling and condensation processes.
The dry ice chills that air enough to cause this condensation process to occur.
The condensation process occurs at essentially constant pressure.
A catalyst is required for this condensation process.
If the condensation process occurs below the freezing level in the troposphere, the nuclei help transform the vapor into very small water droplets.
Particularly, the refrigerant (usually carbon dioxide) does not go through a regular condensation process but instead passes through a gas cooler in a supercritical phase.