If these conditions hold, the bundle of resources can sustain the firm's above average returns.
If that condition does not hold true, the assertion fails.
Currently, the known numbers for which all three conditions hold are: 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 127.
If the condition holds, the system is consistent and at least one solution exists.
It is not clear what conditions must hold in order to decide upon the word's identity.
Irwin said, "If these conditions hold you won't see any low scores like that tomorrow."
We say that is a regular semi-algebraic system if the following three conditions hold.
Action axioms are of the form "If a condition holds, then the following should be done".
But not one of them believed that the still conditions would hold through the next four days.
If condition one does not hold then the equilibrium is unstable.