The condition returned unexpectedly and we were not able to go ahead with the purchase of the car.
By next winter, we shall have the Wyatt fields back in production, and conditions will return to normal.
The fall of the stock market relieved the pressures, but now some see a possibility that last summer's conditions are returning.
If dealt with quickly and correctly, many creatures will settle back down when cold conditions return.
Better conditions soon returned and by 1908 the property was carrying 10,000 head of cattle.
When the Field was switched off, conditions returned to normal.
Local officials said the damage was being cleaned up by work crews and conditions were returning to normal.
If you do not use all of the medication prescribed, the condition could return or worsen.
Within a few months, the child had made a full recovery and the condition has not returned.
Before long, it is too late and the old conditions may never return.