And there had been a large pile of condolence cards and letters.
The statement was more a condolence card to the Lewis family than an explanation of the medical facts in his case.
Local florists have been overwhelmed with orders and very few condolence cards remain in the town's stores.
An 8-year-old-girl named Saychelle passed a condolence card to an employee.
In the hour we spent talking, customers came in to buy watch batteries, a condolence card, wrapping paper and a compass.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you both then and send Prince Abdullah a condolence card?"
In 1988, he sent a condolence card to Pete Shelley on the death of his father.
I'm sorry, I should have sent a condolence card or something.
When she died, no one knew how to refer to her in condolence cards.
A few days later, he got a condolence card, signed by everyone in the vet's office.