In its own way, the adaptation is also politically correct: the tobacco factory where Carmen once worked has been changed to a condom factory.
General Suharto, the President deposed last year in Indonesia, opened condom factories and encouraged "supermarket style" local family planning centers.
By 2001, an Iranian condom factory produced more than 70 million condoms a year, "packaged in French or English to suggest that they are imported", according to a foreign reporter.
In 2007, he condemned the government approval of a condom factory.
Rennie told one about two nuns in a condom factory and Logan thought the deputy PF was going to wet herself.
A third story concerns an Indian ascetic who stands on one leg outside a condom factory hoping to raise a million rupees to build a temple.
Two Japanese companies will build a condom factory for the Soviet Union, which has an acute shortage.
The use of water to suspend the rubber instead of gasoline and benzene eliminated the fire hazard previously associated with all condom factories.