Tattnall conducted an underway replenishment alongside the carrier before returning to Mayport a week later.
Jerry rushes to the podium to conduct the orchestra alongside Tom.
He was particularly known for his sculptural decorations for architecture and military memorials, along with the work he conducted alongside Wright.
Zimbabweans will be allowed to conduct business in other currencies, alongside the Zimbabwe dollar, in an effort to stem the country's runaway inflation.
Company F, Pathfinders, are on the ground conducting missions alongside Afghan forces.
Richert offered forecasts, read sports stories and conducted interviews alongside John Shumway, who handled news stories at the anchor desk.
The non full-time officers are unpaid volunteers who conduct their work alongside their studies.
Providing graduate and postdoctoral students with a means to conduct their research endeavors alongside experienced physicians, scientists, and biomedical engineers.
The Buganda kingdom has promised to conduct independent investigations into the fire, alongside the national police force.
Conducting a referendum alongside the May provincial election was estimated to cost between $1 million and $2 million.