"Barriers" was a stylized martial combat, conducted on foot with swords and pikes; it was something like a joust without horses.
The Devils conducted a night movement on foot for eight miles to take up defensive positions.
Patrols are conducted on foot, bicycle and vehicle.
She had not usually conducted them on foot, however, or been limited to one plane.
The crew could dismount and carry this MG when conducting reconnaissance on foot.
As with escorted tours, self-guided tours may be conducted on foot or by vehicle.
There are over 40 mini-games, as well as kart-style races which are conducted on foot.
During 1999 and 2000 the first major survey of the plants species was conducted on foot, which identified 439 species of vascular plants.
Sightseeing may be conducted on foot and all participants should be capable of carrying their own luggage from vehicle to hotel rooms.
This was partly because of difficulties of communications: ancient Greek diplomacy was conducted on foot for the most part, and runners rather than mounted dispatch-riders were used for urgent messages.