Since the sequence was conducted on multiple occasions, the stuntmen were coated with gel containing cationic polymers.
In particular, they were in charge of conducting elaborate religious ceremonies on occasions such as plantings, harvests, honoring the dead, and birthdays.
Britten conducted the orchestra on several occasions, and made a number of records with the group.
He acknowledges he is an anglophile and he has conducted before members of Britain's royal family on several occasions.
McKay also conducted the Seattle Symphony on several occasions.
Umlauf's name is most familiar from his connections with Ludwig van Beethoven, whose works he conducted on numerous occasions.
As a conductor, he organized many student performances, conducted the school's orchestras on several occasions, and collaborated with faculty in concerto performances.
Poojas conducted on special occasions are as follows:
The Kong family was in charge of conducting elaborate religious ceremonies on occasions such as plantings, harvests, honoring the dead, and birthdays.
Anti-poaching operations have been conducted on several occasions and game-viewing tourism has been a success in the easily accessible northern wildlife area of the country.