His heroic conduct throughout reflects the highest credit upon Comdr.
The reprimand said Ms. Holtzman's conduct was "prejudicial to the administration of justice and adversely reflects on your fitness to practice law."
Ward's basic political outlook was that the state existed to support and promote private enterprise, and his conduct as Treasurer reflects this.
They also said the conduct "adversely reflects on their fitness to practice law."
How dare he argue, her conduct reflects on me and I am enraged by any hint of rudeness to my staff.
When they are representing the Green Bay Packers, we expect their conduct will never reflect badly on the organization.
The conduct of family members reflects upon family honor and the way the family perceives itself, and is perceived by others.
We very much hope that the conduct of the parliamentary elections next year will reflect further progress towards democratisation.
The similarity between the federal and regional constitutions was deceptive, however, and the conduct of public affairs reflected wide differences among the regions.
Even in modern urban life, in places like Jordan, many people identify most strongly with a tribe, so that the conduct of one reflects on all.