Prior to this program, the South Korean government conducted various types of volunteer programs under three different government ministries.
Institutions that conduct certain types of scientific research must obtain permission from government authorities and ethical committees before they conduct any experiments.
How well does social science training in different subjects equip its graduates once in the labour market to conduct various types of quantitative research, particularly survey research?
The laws in many U.S. states allow game wardens to conduct certain types of searches with or without search warrants.
He is frequently called upon to conduct various types of investigations for numerous well known celebrities.
Members of the crew were conducting various types of internal scans at their stations trying to figure out where their captain had gone.
The action effectively bars the firms from conducting most types of market transactions.
The issue arose only with the growing number of operating subsidiaries, authorized by the comptroller of the currency in 1966 to conduct various types of financial activities.
They are mainly used to conduct fast and sharp types of pain.
Research - This exception allows disclosure to researchers conducting certain types of research projects.