In 1999, these were the first retail brokerage accounts where every communication and business process was conducted electronically.
The debate over whether common business practices can be patented just because they are now being conducted electronically has yet to be addressed by any court or Congress.
FCC auctions are conducted electronically and are accessible over the Internet.
All monetary transactions will now be conducted electronically, although previously issued cash will be redeemable indefinitely at banks and government offices.
In fact, there are rarely voice votes in the House of Representatives; votes are normally conducted electronically.
The record of how each Member of the House voted on each vote where the vote was conducted electronically is available.
In another break with tradition, the new trading will be conducted electronically, away from the trading floor.
But the failure also served as a reminder that with more and more trading to be conducted electronically in future years, the possible damage from such incidents could rise.
The survey is conducted electronically over six weeks in January and February.
In another sharp break with nearly 200 years of tradition, the new trading will be conducted electronically, away from the trading floor.