The opponents of France at the start of the war were an alliance of several confederated and independent German states led by Prussia.
Philip and Alexander employed troops from the confederated Greek states and hired thousands of mercenaries from various nations to round-out their armies.
If the Maronites had taken a similar path, perhaps seeking a confederated state within a Greater Lebanon, the catastrophe that befell their grandsons might have been averted.
Although there was yet no overall patent system in the confederated states, he had patents from some states that gave him exclusive rights to his and any other steamboat.
An open offer from the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, for a summit HQ anywhere in his confederated states is being duly weighed - but with difficulty.
A Confederated State Czechoslovakia is a confederated state consisting of the Czech Republic and the smaller Slovak Republic, in the mountainous east of the country.
Seeking greater efficiency, Morris reduced the civil list, saved money by using competitive bidding for contracts, tightened accounting procedures, and demanded the national government's full share of money and supplies from the confederated states.
The people were to be represented by a bicameral parliament, with a directly elected Volkshaus and a Staatenhaus of representatives sent by the individual confederated states.
It is with confederated states as with individuals in society; something must be yielded up to make the whole secure.
That the 4 largest would contain more than half the inhabitants of the confederated states, & therefore would govern the others as they should please.