The report also says that, "he is enabled to perform the cure of all diseases, and to confer innumerable blessings on his followers."
Their blessings-which are given by the laying on of hands-provide counsel and advice and confer spiritual blessings upon the recipient.
It was only another hundred metres: there, just beyond the float full of oversized Capellans, dummies, their huge bald heads bobbing with grave benevolence as if conferring blessings on the excited crowd.
No, this vicious disease confers few blessings.
To confer blessings to the late Lt. Col. Jayasinghe, Georgia Buddhist Vihara, Atlanta USA conducted a religious ceremony on 5 December 2008.
They attended and conferred blessings on all important communal and life-cycle events, and also acted as mediators between clans and tribes.
The Little People (sometimes referred to as "spirit dwarves") were also said to be able to confer blessings or spiritual insight (maxpe) to certain individuals.
They give parental counsel and advice to the church and confer spiritual blessings.
For a long time the Sangreal was visible to all pilgrims, and its presence conferred blessings upon the land in which it was preserved.
Impressed with their devotion, Rama grants hijras the boon to confer blessings on people during auspicious inaugural occasions like childbirth and weddings.