They can be found in different combinations attached to phycobiliproteins to confer specific spectroscopic properties.
These differences confer physical properties that are distinct from both porphyrins and phthalocyanines.
Presumably the shot of cytoplasm will confer healthful and youthful properties to help make the egg more fertile.
A supercritical fluid has the physical properties of a gas, but its high density confers solvent properties in some cases, which leads to useful applications.
Different oils confer various properties to the oil paint, such as less yellowing or different drying times.
Genetic engineering has many advantages over traditional breeding: it is faster, more precise and can introduce genes tailored to confer beneficial properties.
These characteristics confer not only anticancer properties but also the capacity to prevent metastasis to the molecule.
It is thought that these materials contain impurities, which confer properties of asymmetry to the substance.
It may also be used for noun inflections which confer verbal properties to the noun.
The idea that different binding partners confer different functional properties has been well studied in tissue-specific gene regulation.