The conference did not achieve any solution to the crisis, and the negotiations continued bilaterally between Prime Ministers Putin and Tymoshenko.
We hear from some of those involved - and from some of you, too - about what the conference achieved.
The conference, held between 21 and 24 July, achieved very little.
Otherwise, the conference achieved none of Blaine's goals in the short-term, but did lead to further communication and what would eventually become the Organization of American States.
Mrs. Robinson said the conference could achieve concrete results just by urging the enforcement of existing laws and international conventions against bias and discrimination.
During the season, the conference achieved a .781 winning percentage against non-conference opponents, which is the highest percentage since 1998-99.
The conference did not achieve a binding agreement for long-term action.
An academic conference held in China in 2004 achieved general consensus that the Yan Emperor and Shennong were the same person.
The best this conference can achieve is to agree a formation of inclusive Parliament without former warlords.
If the Arabs and Israelis continue to squabble over the site, the conference will not have achieved its aim.