For information, call the conference chairman, Stephen Hinton, 415-723-0731.
An angry Norman would be left turning in the wind, waving his papers in a desperate attempt to attract the conference chairman's attention.
He gave up that post when he was elected conference chairman in 1875.
John Rolfe, conference chairman, said: 'People within the industry have known for some time there is a need for such a gathering.
It was last debated 12 years ago when, after a recounted tied vote, the conference chairman cast against the motion and uproar ensued.
Indeed, Mr. McConnell says he wants to serve as conference chairman.
The conference chairman, Tommy Koh of Singapore, is reluctant but might take the chair under pressure.
But Boehner, the conference chairman, is more forthcoming.
Mr. Duran, the conference chairman, was also one of those who found new family ties at the conference.
Jackie Robinson served as conference chairman and gave the keynote speech.